Apartment Building Insurance Specialists
Apartment Building Insurance Specialists

Independent Insurance Brokers - Agents
We Represent You - Not the Insurance Company
Unlike captive insurance agents who represent Farmers Insurance, State Farm Insurance, and Allstate Insurance, we represent our apartment building owner clients - the insured. Captive agents represent and are committed to their insurance company.
Ask a Farmers Agent-which policy is best?
Answer: Farmers
Ask a State Farm Agent - which policy is best?
Answer: State Farm
Ask an Allstate Agent-which policy is best?
Answer: Allstate
They cannot all be the best.
Only an independent insurance broker-agent, who represents the insured, can provide an unbiased recommendation that you can rely upon.
Independent Insurance Agents of California, a California Corporation, is an independent broker-agent that can offer you, the insured, dozens of choices, assuring you that the insurance companies are forced to compete for your business. Our compensation is paid by the insurance company only after your HOA board accepts the policy.
Our loyalty is to our clients. Not the insurance company.